梦想家- ab540 & SB 68


CA Assembly Bill AB 540 is a California law passed in 2001 that exempts students (including undocumented students) who meet eligibility requirements from out-of-state tuition 费用.  2014年,AB 540扩展到AB 2000.  它被进一步扩展到 2017,  through SB 68, to include adult schools 和 CA Community Colleges (non-credit 和 credit classes) attendance 和 other graduation or degree requirements.

Qualifying for Ab 540/ sb 68 provides students with the ability to pay resident 费用 和 apply for the state-based financial aid through the CA梦想法案,如符合条件.

 点击这里进入 AB540  居住权重新分类 请愿书.

学费 & 费用

Effective, Summer 2023, the difference between California non-resident 和 resident 夏博学院的学费如下: 

成本 非居民 CA的居民
非居民的学费 $360.00 /单位 0
注册费用 $46.00 /单位 $46.00 /单位
总成本/单位 $406.00 /单位 $46.00 /单位


(Including additional student 费用 $33, Fa/Sp 23-24)

$4,905.00 $585.00

Who qualifies for AB 540/AB 2000/SB 68/SB 1141?

In order to qualify for AB 540/AB 2000/SB 68 status in California, the student must meet ALL of the following four requirements:

Requirement 1: Attendance at California schools. This requirement may be met in either of the following two ways:

A) Total attendance (or attainment of credits earned) in California equivalent to three or more years of full-time attendance at 加州高中, 加州成人学校**美国大学校园 加州社区学院*或这些的组合;


B) Three or more years of full-time California high school coursework, 和 a total of three or more years of attendance in California elementary schools, California secondary schools, or a combination of California elementary 和 secondary schools.

*Note - Full-time attendance at a 加州社区学院 means either 12 units of credit per semester (or quarter equivalent per year) or a minimum of 420 class hours per year (or semester or quarter equivalent per year) in non-credit courses. 

**Note - Full-time attendance at a California adult school means a minimum of 420 class hours of attendance for each school year in classes or courses authorized by 教育的代码.

有帮助的 a540考勤表.

Requirement 2: Completion of a course of study. This requirement may be met in any of the following three ways:

A) Graduation from a California high school or equivalent (such as a GED);


B) Attainment of an associate degree from a 加州社区学院;


C) Fulfillment of the minimum transfer requirements established for the University of California or the California State University for students transferring from a 加州社区学院.

要求三:注册. Requires registration as an entering student at, or current enrollment at, an accredited institution of higher education in California.

Requirement 4: Affidavit of student without lawful immigration status. Students without lawful immigration status must file an affidavit with their college or university stating that the student has either filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status, or will file an application as soon as he or she is 有资格这样做.

“大学 will not release any personally identifiable student information, including any data related to immigration status, without a judicial warrant, subpoena or court order, unless authorized by the student or required by law.


In order to qualify for AB 540 status, students must submit the California Nonresident 学费 Exemption Request 表格寄给夏伯特招生办公室 & 记录在 cc-dreamcenter@ya742.com along with official transcripts/attendance records (high school, adult school, 和/or community college) that verify requirements 1 和 2 listed above. 

  • If you are currently a high school senior who will qualify for AB 540 upon graduation from high school, you may submit the ab540宣誓书 along with an in-progress high school transcript to 招生 & 期间的记录 毕业前的春季学期.*你需要提交一份 final high school transcript showing your graduation date to 招生 & 记录 8月1日前st to avoid registration 和 financial aid delays.  请与 夏博梦中心 如果你需要帮助.*

为 assistance, please use the Immigrants Rising online 加州州内学费工具 或者到 梦想中心* to speak with someone who can help you figure out if you may qualify. 我们的辅导员 愿意协助你完成这个过程吗! 

Qualifying for AB 540/AB 2000/SB 68 provides students with the ability to pay resident 费用 和 apply for the state-based financial aid through the CA梦想法案,如符合条件. 


 招生 & 记录:

 AB540  居住权重新分类 请愿书, please download, complete, save, 和 submit the petition along with required 文档. Unofficial transcripts 和 copies of residency documents are currently 被接受.

在线:从您的Chabot发送 Zon电子邮件 到一个&R在 cc-residency@ya742.com for residency reclassification petitions 和 at cc-dreamcenter@ya742.com 查阅AB540宣誓书. 查伯特发来的邮件 Zon电子邮件 将作为您的正式签名. 

亲自:请将所有文件提交给A&R位于700号楼1楼. 请 点击 这里是最新的时间. 

请电邮至: cc-finaid@ya742.com 从你的安全 Zon电子邮件 电子邮件. We will be responding to 电子邮件s throughout the day.  提交任何验证文件 通过你的 Zon电子邮件 帐户(pdf、JPG或png)

The 梦想中心 is currently providing services in-person, 和 remotely over the 电话或网上.


请 note, AB 540 does NOT establish legal residency for immigrant students or for undocumented students who are eligible for AB 540. 它只免除了学生的费用 非居民的费用. Undocumented students who have questions about their legal residency 应该 咨询移民律师.